Ion Storm is one of the most interesting assault objectives in Armada in my opinion. For one, it is a good pick for a defensive style long range fleet as you get to control the terrain and are rewarded for hiding in the terrain while your opponent flies towards you. Not only that, but to avoid taking the penalty, the first player will be forced to navigate closely to obstacles, meaning that less maneuverable ships will probably opt to give you victory points. All the while you are able to stay obstructed against more than likely less powerful firepower from your opponent while you throw large red dice pools back.
So who is taking this? I would probably only use this objective for an Ackbar style Rebel list or a Romodi range list with Onagers for Empire. With Ackbar, you can create a line of terrain in front of you and use overwhelming firepower to overcome obstruction. Meanwhile, Romodi GAINS advantage from this playstyle, so que your evil laugh as you add dice for your super powered artillery ships who are already game unbalancing good. Oh, and make 15 points on top of that. Yup, definitely not one of the strongest combos in the game.
If your facing this list against one of these lists, you probably should've gone for the blue or yellow option. Yes, Fire Lanes can make them a bunch of points and sure, Solar Corona is annoying, but this objective gives them control of the terrain, actively hurts you, and gives them points. If a fleet that is not one of those 2 is taking this, you might be able to turn it on them, but it's still an uphill battle.
Finally, when do you use the crit versus when do you not: If you're hitting shields and are not going to break into the hull, take the special crit. If you are hitting hull but will not kill them, take standard (or other special) crit. If you are going to overkill them, take the special crit. Finally, if your opponent is relying on a token for a Fleet Command or to fuel a card, take the special crit and put a stop to it.
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