The crew takes on the task of how to conquer the intimidating new kid on the block: the Onager!
And Pooka discusses why Organized Play is important to him
A group of friends from St. Louis discussing Star Wars Armada, including tactics, battle reports, and reviews
The crew takes on the task of how to conquer the intimidating new kid on the block: the Onager!
And Pooka discusses why Organized Play is important to him
Hey admirals, another week, another series of articles to peruse! This week Pooka talks about Screed and how he's come around on MCEF. Meanwhile Gold Leader shows us why Close Range Intel Scan is just a fancy way of saying "Jonus = Points"
5 Minutes To Win It: Close Range Intel Scan
A Way Too Early Grievous List Hey y'all! I have not been able to play Armada in far too long. I've only managed to sneak in two A...